When I moved away from home, after living in the same town from 1965 to 1981, I never dreamed I would tell people that I grew up in the most beautiful place on earth. 'God's Country' is the phrase that comes to mind when I think of Libby, Montana.
When my parents moved there they were told that Libby was the best place on earth to raise children. In very many ways it was. I loved my childhood there. I wouldn't change it for anything. It seems almost magical to me now. The setting of rugged, untouched mountains, clear rivers and streams, beautiful wildlife and of course all the outdoor activities that go along with the four distinct seasons that happen there. Almost too good to be true...
I guess in a way it was too good to be true. Because now I know the truth about the community being poisoned by W. R. Grace and asbestos 'nuisance dust'.
My dad worked at the mine for 5 years, from 1965-1970. He drove a yuk, worked in the labor plant, dry mill, and the transfer point. He was always working in heavy dust. He was told that it was just 'nuisance dust'. That it shouldn't bother him. Now his doctor tells him he has mesothelioma.
My parents knew the Les Skramstad and many of the people who worked at the mine. I loved it when they would tell me stories from those days, when Libby was young and fun. Now it is just so sad and so unbelievable how this tragedy could be kept a secret for so long.
I can remember adults talking about how the dust was so thick that coated work pants could stand up in the corner by themselves. And all of us kids played in piles of this stuff that was left all around town. The water always tasted so good, like the best you have ever had. I have even bragged about Libby's water in the past. Now they say the air and the water are bad for you.
I don't live there anymore. I try to follow what is happening by searching the Internet. I have found quite a few news articles and government sites. But, I was hoping to learn more about what happened to people's families, some that I might know personally. I was also hoping to find out more about what kind of other health problems, besides the obvious lung diseases, might also be caused by this dust. I believe it can contribute to many other problems. For example I know of 10 people my age from the same neighborhood that either were born with a birth defect or it was one of their children. I also know of many people with heart troubles, MS, and huge sinus troubles from the area. And we have all read the obituaries of those who were listed as dying from natural causes, which could have been several things. There just seems to be too many.
So, I started a blog to see if anyone out there wants to write about their experiences. I am also interested in hearing about what asbestos did to your life, even if you're not from Libby. And, of course I am always interested in hearing anything about Libby and the good ol' days. I remember when....
Hi Tracy.....I hope you remember me...Debby (McKay) Davis....You express your rememberances of Libby like they were my own. And I agree, it's terrible what they did to our beautiful town.....
Oh my gosh! Of course I remember you Debby, you were one of my best friends. I was thinking of you and your family when I read about your brother in the paper. I am sad about his passing on so young. We use to have a blast when I stayed at your house and at Plummer School. Good to hear from ya... Thanks
How come you never came to the class re-unions ?
My email address is: debbyjdavis@hotmail.com
Tracy Taylor and Debby McKay. Hello from Dave Roberts. Growing up in Libby was the best, it is amazing the people that I run in to that have a "Libby" connection. Hope all is well with both of you and your families.
Hey Dave, Hello to you to! What you said makes me wonder where you live now. When I lived in California (wine country) I worked in a grocery store and at least twice people in my line asked me if I was from Libby. I didn't even recognize them. Once it was an Erlandson and a bunch of his family and friends. Of course there were times when I applied for jobs and the employer wanted to know where Libby Mountain was when I had said I was from Libby, MT. ha ha Good to hear from ya.
I am in Boise, Idaho. Moved from Libby when we were Sophomores to McCall, Id and have basically been here in the Boise area most of the time since. The Libby connections have happened from all over the place, it drives my wife crazy. She thinks that Libby is this fantasy land that can not possibly exist the way my sister and I talk about it. And she is amazed everytime we run in to someone with a connection. I took my wife and kids to Libby for a week in 2002 and we had a fantastic time. Hung out with Mary Havens and her family, saw Jerry Mee. A lot of Libby is the same as when I left. That was fun to show my family where I went to school, the trail through the woods to Plummer school, etc... Great times. Oh yeah, Ron Clapp and Melodee McCauley both live down here as well.
I live in Idaho too, but way up north. Libby is a fantasy land. Or at least it was until the ugly secret was uncovered. I don't get to go there much and the area does seem to be much the same, but the people seem so depressed.
I took my family there too, we went out to the dam and played on the swinging bridge and stuff. I always wished I could raise them there, but am glad now that it didn't work out as I am sure they are much healthier for it...
I know of some Carr(s) that live here and Terri Hoffman is a school teacher in one of the elementary schools. I am sure there are more.
Hi to all,
When you think about it, it is a very small world....even over here in Puyallup I run into people from Libby & Troy...
Too bad our town is ruined, I always figured I'd move away from there but would eventually return to retire there....not anymore....I really like it here...too many people but I don't have to shovel rain and we are only about an hour from "The Mountain" and about an hour and a helf from the ocean....Puyallup reminds me alot of Kalispell.
I grew up in Libby, Loved it there.(1951 to 1975) I'm much older than you, so when I go back to visit I notice many many changes. But have many wonderful memoris of Home.
Hi,Tracy,Debbie and Dave
Don't know if you will remember me, but I grew up in Libby and had some fun times with all of you.Daves Father and my Dad worked together.Page lives in Boise also.I do miss the mountains, I live in desert now Tucson,AZ
Hey Tori, sure I remember you!
I am sorry I have taken so long to respond, but I spent Mother's Day weekend with my kids.
Yes, we sure did have some fun times when we were younger...
I was talking to Julie Gullingsrud because she was going through town today and she was telling me about when you worked with her in Sidney. She lives in Libby now.
Where did your dad work? I am just curious.
Crazy what a small world we live in. I am hoping to see Page some time, he used to work with my tennis partners wife. We haven't made it happen yet. It was fun to see your note on here. What a wierd way to connect again. The wonderful world of the world wide web. Amazing.
It is sad as hell what's occurred and only worsened by the fact that this is not a unique occurrence. This isn't even the first time W.R. Grace has poisoned a community. It's disheartening that money can so deceptively injure a town while doing it in a way that those with economic interests in the area almost welcome it, not the actual poisoning that is, but the economic advantages that come with denying it.
I'm in the process of writing an historical fiction novel that takes place in Libby in the 1980's that in part has to do with the W.R. Grace poisoning. I say in part because there are other focuses of the story as well, a sort of historical revision detailing the last 70 or so years that have shaped the global/political/economic reality we are all experiencing, both within this country and abroad. There is a very unique connection between Libby and 9/11 many don’t realize, but it’s there and I hope to expose it.
Keep blogging on. Only through education will people realize what has occurred and what steps can be taken to overcome such environmental/economic tragedies. I feel for you and everyone who has been directly and indirectly harmed by what has occurred there. I’ll check back often. I’m interested in hearing personal stories or testaments that people have about growing up in Libby since a good portion of my novel takes place there. I’m also curious to hear about some of the birth defect numbers you’re talking about. Good luck.
Thanks for your comment. I think I know what the connection between Libby and 9/11 is, but I will wait to read your book. I graduated from there in 1980 and if you have any questions that you need answered I would be more than happy to help. I also know of people who have lived there all along who might know the answer to questions you may have. I look forward to reading your book very much! The list of birth defects I have so far isn't complete in the sense that some of the people have not given me actual birthdays, problems, and/or permission to use the information. When I have more, I will definately share it with you. I have some friends who are suppose to give me some comments listing some of those things in here and hopefully this will give others the incentive to start talking. Libby seems to be embarrassed of being fooled by the mine. And, of course they don't want to believe that future generations of their families are and will be affected by this also...
Good for you--more people need to know what really happened in Libby. I've been following this for some time now and can't believe that WR Grace has gotten away with what it has. My heart breaks for the people of this pretty, small town. Know that there are people out there who are listening........
I see over 400 cleaned properties are found to be more deadly than before because EPA replaced the bad soil with worst soil.All those properties/families were told all is safe and clean when this is not true.I hope your property wasn't one cleaned by EPA because those people/children are being exposed to deadly levels of asbestos.I tell all who will listen to stay away from Libby as Libby is not a safe place for anything that breathes.
Greetings.I would like to request you look at:Asbestos.com. Then: Elevated Risk for other cancer.This is info on what other cancers and disabilities this asbestos causes.This is not just a lung problem.What I have just done is file a complaint and request a investigation into Fraud to the Medicare and Medicaid people telling them that THEY/WE are paying for something that WR Grace created/caused.THEY should and must pay every dime it cost to care for us.Maybe we can get a petition to demand that our care cost us nothing.Specially NOW, that we know what is the cause of all these other things.
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